Network Rail has updated and refreshed key resources for SMEs keen to work with it and its delivery partners.

The infrastructure manager has updated its ‘Information for SMEs’ webpage, adding links to a recently-refreshed SME supplier guide and key delivery partners map.

It has also added a Procurement Act page, which it intends to update ahead of the act’s launch in October 2024.

In addition to these resources, suppliers can now access a PACE e-learning course, which has been developed for anyone new to – or who needs a refresher on – the project delivery framework.

Network Rail has pledged that at least 33 per cent of its annual £7 billion spend will be with SMEs. It added that it had created the SME supplier guide to help SMEs do more business with it and its supply chain.

Challenge Statements

Network Rail also has a page dedicated to Challenge Statements – each challenge statement details a specific business obstacle and provides detail on definition, root cause analysis, priority areas of focus and a section outlining guidance for research and development.

See the current challenges here

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